Website Launch and Brand Establishment

I aimed to forge a distinctive digital identity for the LEARN Foundation, construct an engaging and compliant online donation system, and initiate a powerful campaign that galvanizes support for scholarships.

      Project Overview
LEARN Foundation
Brand Development
User Experience
Forge a distinctive digital identity for the LEARN Foundation, construct an engaging and compliant online donation system, and initiate a powerful campaign that galvanizes support for scholarships.
      Actions & Skills

My leadership in developing the LEARN Foundation's digital identity involved aligning the brand's core values of diversity and inclusion with its digital persona. The website I created prioritized brand storytelling and donor usability, featuring straightforward navigation, integrated donation processing, and adhered to standards of compliance and transparency. Through our CRM, I automated communications and cultivated lasting relationships with donors. The campaign for the foundation's launch was crafted to inspire, involving alum testimonials highlighting the impact of support. Utilizing the design tools, I designed captivating visuals that complemented our narrative and upheld the brand's prestige.

      Tools & Technologies

With WordPress as the backbone, the website was built to be functional and flexible, accommodating evolving needs. Stripe's seamless integration ensured that each donation was captured efficiently and securely. HubSpot became the engine for our CRM and email outreach, allowing us to nurture and grow our donor community. And with the Adobe Creative Suite, each visual element was crafted to the highest standard, ensuring a consistent and engaging brand experience.


The project culminated in successfully raising over $45,000 in scholarships, directly bolstering the education of diverse individuals in tech and broadening the industry's horizons. Our work supported onboarding new LEARN program students and provided scholarships to deserving individuals, thus contributing to a more prosperous and diverse tech ecosystem.


Establishing the LEARN Foundation's digital presence was a hallmark of my commitment to blending technological savvy with a passion for diversity. Through strategic web development, brand management, and digital compliance, I championed a foundation that reached its fundraising ambitions and kindled a community's dedication to inclusivity in the tech sector. This endeavor is a testament to my dedication to delivering marketing excellence with meaningful social impact.

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