What I'm all about

Here's how I turn creative ideas into marketing magic.

      Me in a Nutshel
Hello! I’m T.J., your go-to digital marketing guru with a toolbox full of over 10 years of experience. I've honed my skills in the trenches of both growing and established companies, blending a deep understanding of technology with a creative marketing edge.

Tech is my jam. I'm always on the hunt for the next big thing in digital tools and trends. This drive is what fuels my ability to whip up marketing strategies that are not only cutting-edge but also resonate and deliver.

Where I really get a kick is in facing new challenges. Need to maximize the potential of a complex CRM system? Want to make sense of the ever-evolving digital marketing maze? Count me in. My strategy is simple yet effective: leverage the latest in tech to create marketing campaigns that are smart, successful, and impactful. I love turning hurdles into opportunities, blending my tech know-how with creative marketing insights to elevate your campaigns beyond the ordinary.

Lead Gen
Adobe XD
      Peeling Back the Layers
There's more to me than just crafting effective marketing campaigns. At heart, I'm a family man, a nature enthusiast, a history buff, and a bit of a chef in the making.

Family first

My world revolves around my wonderful wife, and our adorable dog, Etsy. They're my biggest cheerleaders and the heart of all I do. Whether we're enjoying a quiet evening at home or exploring the great outdoors, it's these moments with them that I treasure the most.

A hiker’s spirit

There’s nothing like the call of the wild to recharge my batteries. Hiking is my escape and my inspiration. It’s on these trails that I often find my best ideas. The serenity and beauty of nature help me clear my head and come back to work with a fresh perspective

A love for learning

I have an insatiable curiosity, especially when it comes to history. There’s so much to learn from the past, and I find that understanding different eras and cultures enriches both my personal worldview and professional approach. This love for learning keeps me on my toes, always ready to absorb new knowledge and skills.

The joy of cooking

I love to cook! It's not just about the delicious results (though that's a big part of it), but the process itself. Cooking is like a dance – a little bit of improvisation mixed with technique. It’s a way for me to unwind and experiment with flavors, much like mixing the right ingredients in a successful marketing campaign.