Lead Generation Calculator

In a decisive response to a product in decline, I orchestrated the transformation of an underperforming financial management tool into a pivotal lead generation asset. This strategic intervention rejuvenated the tool and fortified it as an indispensable resource for our banking and credit union partners.

      Project Overview
CUSO Financial Services
Lead Generation
Strategic Problem-Solving
Revitalize an underutilized financial calculator by creating a bespoke WordPress plugin, catalyzing lead generation, and enhancing partner engagement.
      Actions & Skills

My approach to reviving the financial calculator began with a thorough diagnostic analysis to identify and address its shortcomings. Recognizing the necessity for a tailored solution, I led the charge in sourcing and vetting adept developers to construct a custom plugin. My leadership was instrumental throughout the design and development stages, ensuring the tool met our high user experience standards and aligned perfectly with our lead generation objectives. The fruition of this endeavor was a sophisticated plugin that empowered users to navigate financial scenarios and obtain customized reports quickly. I integrated automation to optimize the lead generation process, facilitating instant notifications to our sales team upon user engagement. My expertise in design was also pivotal in developing an intuitive user interface and dynamic marketing materials, thereby amplifying the tool's presence and effectiveness across digital channels.

      Tools & Technologies

The project hinged on the robust capabilities of WordPress for plugin development, providing a solid and flexible foundation for our interactive financial calculator. The Adobe Creative Suite was instrumental in crafting a superior user experience, ensuring the interface was aesthetically pleasing and functionally intuitive. Zapier's automation capabilities were leveraged to bridge the gap between user interaction and sales response, creating a seamless lead notification system.


The introduction of the financial calculator plugin marked a significant surge in user engagement, as evidenced by thousands of interactions, underscoring its effectiveness and value. This engagement translated into a significant boost in lead generation. Its successful deployment across over 100 partner sites further validated the tool's versatility, establishing it as a scalable and effective lead-generation tool in the financial services sector.


This project clearly indicates my capacity to transform challenges into opportunities, delivering substantial value to both the company and its partners. By prioritizing user experience and strategic innovation, I converted a once-struggling product into a critical asset for digital marketing strategies. I look forward to bringing my commitment to problem-solving and technical acumen to future endeavors, ensuring that products not only fulfill but surpass business goals.

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