Email Marketing Strategy and Execution

At the core of modern marketing lies the power of direct communication—email marketing. Entrusted with amplifying engagement and conversion, I championed a sophisticated email marketing initiative that would capture the essence of our brand and foster lasting connections with our audience.

      Project Overview
LEARN academy
Strategic Communication
Data-Driven Personalization
Craft and execute a high-impact email marketing strategy to optimize open and click-through rates, ensuring each communication reached and resonated with our diverse audience.
      Actions & Skills

In my quest to connect and convert, I initiated the bi-weekly dispatch of tailored emails and newsletters. These weren't mere messages; they were crafted narratives with the dual power of compelling language and striking visuals aimed to engage and intrigue. By carving out targeted audience segments within our expansive CRM, I honed our approach to over 15,000 contacts, offering them a bespoke email journey. Hubspot was the vehicle for our automation and distribution—its intricate systems streamlined our outreach. The visual elements critical to our brand's story were meticulously curated using design tools, embodying our message in every pixel. And as any strategist knows, the accurate measure of success is in the analysis. Employing analytics and reporting tools, I transformed raw data into actionable insights, perpetually refining our email engagements to peak performance.

      Tools & Technologies

My toolkit was diverse yet precise—Hubspot for a seamless CRM and email marketing experience, Adobe Creative Suite and Canva for crafting visually immersive narratives, and the analytical prowess of Google Analytics alongside Hubspot's detailed reporting to navigate the vast sea of data, turning information into strategy.


Since the inception of our refined email marketing strategy in 2019, we have witnessed a consistent trajectory of success. My campaigns have maintained an impressive open rate of 55% and a click-through rate of 2%, a clear indicator of the strategy's enduring relevance and effectiveness. This sustained achievement over the years underscores the strategy's adaptability and the evolving nature of our content, which continues to engage and resonate with our audiences. By continuously building on and optimizing our approach, I've achieved and upheld a standard of excellence that keeps our email communications influential and our audience invested.


The journey from email marketing novice to maestro was marked by a relentless pursuit of excellence. Strategic audience engagement, personalized content crea

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