CRM Development and Sales Process Optimization

Leading the charge in custom CRM development, this project was the backbone for an expansive sales and marketing overhaul at LEARN academy. My directive drove enrollment numbers skyward, optimizing lead management and enhancing marketing automation while streamlining the sales pipeline.

      Project Overview
LEARN academy
CRM Customization
Sales Automation
To architect and oversee a custom CRM solution tailored to amplify our business growth by bolstering lead nurturing, automating core marketing and sales operations, and empowering the sales team with advanced tools.
      Actions & Skills

At the helm of this project, I crafted specialized CRM features and automated deal pipelines that aligned seamlessly with our unique sales architecture. Through advanced marketing automation—including targeted email sequencing and workflow automation—I significantly enhanced lead engagement and conversion. A texting integration facilitated a more dynamic communication channel with prospects, and online payment integration afforded us a frictionless payment experience. Custom-designed reports and dashboards were my tools for delivering deep insights to our sales force, aiding in strategic decisions, and tweaking our approaches to cold outreach. The Sales Manager and I collaboratively fine-tuned our lead engagement methods, ensuring our sales funnel was primed for peak performance. Leveraging automation further elevated our operational efficacy, fueling a surge in productivity.

      Tools & Technologies

The cornerstone of my toolkit in this venture was HubSpot, which offered a robust and adaptable platform for CRM. Stripe's incorporation secured and simplified our transactional dynamics, while SalesMessage bridged the communication gap with engaging messaging solutions. Zapier's automation prowess and HubSpot's advanced workflow functions created a symphony of efficiency—automating mundane tasks and guaranteeing timely communication with our clientele. These tools were pivotal in forging a unified, high-performing sales and marketing ecosystem.


The deployment of this tailored CRM framework over five years was a critical factor in our remarkable enrollment growth, doubling our figures and underscoring the integral role of our system in scaling the business. The CRM's sophisticated tracking and management capabilities ensured we upheld high operation and customer satisfaction standards. It equipped our sales team with the necessary insights to excel, marking a significant upturn in performance and contributing to our sustained growth and sales success.


This endeavor exemplifies my commitment to crafting scalable, dynamic systems that advance organizational growth. Creating a customized CRM system and enhancing our sales process has been pivotal in cementing LEARN academy’s competitive edge. Looking ahead, I'm poised to infuse future projects with the same innovation and foresight, marrying technology and strategy to drive tangible business outcomes.

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